lundi 1 novembre 2010

Numéro d'automne 2010 de DB2mag


Le numéro d'automne 2010 de DB2mag est disponible en ligne :

- DB2mag automne 2010

- Archives de DB2mag (depuis printemps 2009)
- Archives de DB2mag (hiver 1996-printemps 2009)

DB2mag a changé de nom : IBMDatabasemag, puis IBM Data Management magazine.

- Is There Anything zEnterprise Can't Do?
IBM zEnterprise runs your business—any system, any application.
par Dave Beulke

- What's New: DB2 10 for z/OS
Dramatic CPU savings and data availability enhancements, check. But have you seen the new temporal data support?
par Terrie Jacopi

- DB2 Indexes and Query Performance: Part 1
Weigh costs and benefits when considering additional indexes.
par Robert Catterall

- Does the Order of SQL Predicates Matter?
Rearranging WHERE clause predicates may be an exercise in futility.
par Bonnie Baker



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