lundi 21 janvier 2008

IDUG Solutions Journal (Hiver 2007)


Le numéro d'hiver 2007 de l'IDUG Solutions Journal est disponible en ligne :

IDUG Solutions Journal Hiver 2007 (format PDF)

Il contient les articles suivants :

- DB2/Java Myths Debunked
par Julian Stuhler

- SQL Performance Tuning for Application Developers
par Peter Plevka

- Compliance Needs Drive Data Acess Auditing Requirements
par Craig Mullins



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lundi 14 janvier 2008

Technotes (FAQ) d'IBM sur DB2 pour z/OS


Voici quelques FAQs (Technotes) parues récemment sur le site web d'IBM :

- Installation Verification Procedures (IVP) Problems
- Finding DECLARE CURSOR statements in the DB2 catalog in DB2 Version 8
- Where can I find the service-end dates for all versions of DB2?

- Running the RACF access control exit routine for one DB2 version ....
- User catalog is out of space
- Does the MODIFY RECOVERY utility always gets an exclusive DBD lock ...

- Comma as decimal point
- Packages versus plans
- Can I use the cross-loader function with LOB columns?

- DB2 coprocessor/precompiler: Generated structures for LOB and XML host variables
- What settings control the DDF enclave portion of CPU usage?
- How do I find the service level of a specific DB2 module?

- How can I find the secondary IDS for a given primary ID
- Can I load ROWID columns that are defined as GENERATED ALWAYS?
- Automating COLGROUP and RUNSTATS

- Can I use large object data types (LOBs) in DB2 for z/OS?
- DESCSTAT subsystem parameter
- Where can I find books about DB2 for z/OS?

- SQLCODE -104 on a CREATE TRIGGER statement using syntax supported by DB2 LUW
- Version 8 BIND when JCL points to Version 7 libraries
- Receiving SQLCODE -301 when running the REXX application program



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lundi 7 janvier 2008

Presentations du Heart of Texas DB2 Users Group


Vous trouverez ci-dessous plusieurs présentations sur DB2 pour z/OS, disponibles sur le site du Heart of Texas DB2 Users Group :

- What’s New with the Optimizer in DB2 for z/OS V8?
par Terry Purcell et Brian Baggett

- More Ways to Challenge the DB2 z/OS Optimizer
par Terry Purcell

- Parlez-Vous Klingon? Recursion SQL for Generating Test Data
par Alexander Kopac

- Demystifying the DB2 Dynamic Statement Cache
par Bill Arledge



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